An American Princess

In case you haven't heard, there is an upcoming royal wedding. And on this side of the pond there is plenty of excitement because an American woman is marrying into a royal family, and not just any royal family, but The Royal Family of The United Kingdom. Of course Megan Markel isn't the first American to marry European Royalty, she's not even the first American to marry into the House of Winsor, but her marriage to Prince Harry of Wales will mark a major milestone on many levels. It appears that Prince Harry's relations have welcomed her with open arms, but that hasn't always been the case. There have been a number of Trans-Atlantic matches in which the bride's new family refused to acknowledge her, or her new husband had to give up his succession rights to marry his American sweetheart. 

When Prince Rainer of Monaco married the beautiful American Actress, Grace Kelly, many of the established royal houses of Europe "Lost" their invitations. They were scandalized that an actress was joining their very exclusive world. Only years of unblemished behavior granted Princess Grace grudging acceptance.

However, we are now in the 21st century. Royal matches are no longer arranged for political purposes, and I can't remember the last time an heir or even a younger brother married "One of their own." Now the trend is to marry for love, and someone very pretty.  

Best I can tell, Ms. Markel will be the third America woman to marry her prince in the 21st century, but there were seven American royal brides in the 19th century, and a staggering 18 American princess' in the 20th century. Most have faded from memory, a few, like Princess Grace of Monaco and Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor, are still remembered. My modest goal is to shed a little light on the forgotten American ladies that forged a path for Megan Markel and all other girls that dream of meeting their prince.


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